Travel Blogger

Calling All Travellers! Share Your Story

Have you just come back from that cruise of a lifetime? Eaten some exotic foods that made your stomach feel funny? Share your experience with aspiring travellers out there. YoTravellers is an Australia-based travel blog that offers a hassle-free, one-stop information hub on all things travel. With access to over one million travel blogs throughout cyberspace, they are easily the best travel blog website helping aspiring travellers make informed decisions. And you can help by sharing your own tips and experiences. You never know who might need it.

Although there are numerous major decisions to make when deciding to travel, the little things should not be overlooked as trendy destinations, food recommendations and tips to avoid social faux pas can all help make someone’s trip less stressful and more enjoyable. Just by sharing your stories you can help so many people.

So what types of stories do they accept? Well, basically everything! But to start you off here are 6 examples of travel writing.

Destination Articles

The destination is the star of these articles, providing an insight into locations that the reader may want to travel to one day. Offering an overview of the place, a destination article can touch upon history, sightseeing spots, scenery and trendy locations with the goal of giving the reader a true sense of the location and convincing them that they need to visit.

Special-interest articles

These are kind of like a specialised versions of a destination article. Instead of being an overview of a city or country they focus on one specific aspect. The aspect can be as broad as art, food or sport or as niche as pottery, ghost towns or motorbiking.

Holiday and Events

These articles write about a location before an event takes place, usually with the aimenticing the reader to attend. These can be large scale events like the World Cup, film festivals and fashion weeks but smaller regional events can be just as good


These articles provide a great tool to group together under one common theme. Think “20 greatest beaches in Europe” or “10 places to go for a cheap getaway”. These articles are easy to read but often require a lot of travel and research.

Opinion Pieces

Travel op-eds may be rarer than their political counterparts but people love to get a fresh take on destinations especially if it’s a unique angle.


Itineraries provide the schedule that the writer adhered to on their trip. These can be particularly helpful for the traveller who is preparing a similar trip and would like a template to work from. It’s a great format to slip in all kinds of recommendations, from accommodation to restaurants.


This is an intrinsically useful format for travel writing as it promises to teach the reader something by the end.

Submit Now!

YoTravellers would love to hear your story! All submissions are welcome and regardless of how experienced you are, how long your story is or whether you’re more suited to a family travel blog or an independent traveller. YoTravellers is a one-stop solution for travellers who need tips, tricks and hints and gathering stories from all kinds of people who’ve visited places all around the world.