What Can I Do for a Sagging Ceiling

When it comes to your home maintenance, we always tend to have the number of our local plumber and electrician. We even have the number of a pool maintenance team but what about your ceiling? How often do we look up at our ceiling? Often times it is by chance and that is when we see the ceiling beginning to sag and the fear creeps in. Searching for sagging ceiling repair, or ceiling repair Albany, you pick the first one of the list hoping to get the problem fixed before the entire roof caves in. Sound familiar?

A sagging ceiling, though not a regular occurrence can cause serious issues and if left unattended, the problem is going to get a lot worse. Your ceiling can have wide cracks, a deep yellow/brown stain and sagging where water has begun to pool. Staying in the room can be dangerous as the ceiling could give way any moment. You don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of calling the insurers to claim on your content insurance due to damage done by you ignoring your ceiling issue. When it comes to sagging ceiling repair, sourthernceilingrpairs.com.au are experts in plaster ceiling repair in Bunbury and Albany areas.

There are a few main reasons for your including:

Structural Shifts

Sometimes your ceiling can begin to sag due to structural shifts. This is usually because of the age of the home and is actually quite normal. When the structural shifts occur, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for. The first thing you want to do is check your floor and wall surfaces for movement and pests. There is also extreme moisture and damp smells which are the most common sign.

Load-Bearing Lights and Supports

There can be a lot of pressure on your ceiling from load bearing lights and even heavy insulation. If your ceiling structure is not suitable for such heavy loads, it will definitely be prone to sagging.


Most often than not, sagging ceilings are caused by leaks. The problem here is trying to identify the cause of the leak and even where the leak has started. Often times, the leak has spread and pooled quite some time before you have even spotted it. The first sign will be the damp smell and the horrible drip, drip which signals trouble. Reach for the bucket and the number of sourthernceilingrpairs.com.au to come in and inspect the property and repair the damage before it becomes worse.


The other cause of damage to load-bearing timber structures is termites. Termites eat through the timber ceiling beams and you can see their presence as they leave faeces or wings dropping can cause further damage to doors and furniture. If this happens and is the cause of the course the first options to call in pest exterminators and to deal with them and then The best strategy in handling termites is to get the exterminators in and then sagging ceiling repairs to fix the damage left to the structures.

sourthernceilingrpairs.com.au have the answers and the solutions to your ceiling problems and are on hand to deal with all types of ceiling repairs. Quick, efficient and skilled, you can be sure of a fast turnaround and a ceiling that is as good as new with minimal fuss and mess.

Plus the are open 24/7, 365 days a year  and are fully licensed and insured. So when it comes to ceiling repairs, call in Western Australia’s Number 1 premium ceiling installer and repair and get the job done right!